COREF Engineering Srl is a General Contractor company that was set up and has been thriving in refractory construction works within waste-to-energy plants mainly, in chemical and petrochemical plants and, more in general, in all industrial kilns with high temperature processes.
COREF Engineering Srl can offer a wide range of services in order to meet multiple customer needs and has a solid commercial network made of expert people who are subject to ongoing training and who are capable of not only selling products and services, but also and foremost of advising and directing their customers towards the most suitable selection for their plant, enjoying a technical support service by qualified techniciansboth for installation services and on-site technical support.
COREF Engineering Srl has created a sturdy structure which is able to attain excellent results in every crucial step of each implementation project:
I progettisti COREF Engineering dispongono di una completa gamma di prodotti per la scelta ottimale del rivestimento refrattario in funzione delle caratteristiche dell’impianto e delle condizioni di esercizio.
COREF Engineering è strutturata secondo un organigramma funzionale al carattere dinamico e operativo, con il quale gestisce autonomamente ogni fase di pianificazione dei lavori mantenendo una stretta collaborazione interna a ogni livello del proprio organico.
La gestione del cantiere, nella sua completezza e complessità, viene affrontata da una struttura flessibile e dinamica interamente composta da professionisti di comprovata esperienza.