
Global Service
COREF Engineering Srl has a functional organization chart with a dynamic and operational nature thanks to which the company is able to independently manage each engineering phase while keeping a close internal cooperation at each level of its staff base.
This organization allows to promptly meet each specific customer need, satisfying in full the present market demands which impose swift execution and repair effectiveness.
- On-site technical support
- Engineering, coordination and progress report
- Construction site management (connections, scaffoldings, equipment, etc.)
- Safety Management, Law Decree 81/08
- Laying and works coordination
- Construction site documentation
- Inspections after commissioning and after sales support
- Repair
COREF Engineering Activities:
Administrative area
- Administrative management and finance
- Accounting
- Human Resources
- Sales Department and tenders
- Purchase and supplies department
- Information system services and management control
Technical Area
- Technical office (estimate drafting, engineering, order management)
- Construction site technical management, construction site foremen
- Coordination and budget planning office
- Company and construction site security service
- Corporate Quality Control Service
Construction site staff
- Site technicians, foremen, team leaders
- Specialized installation workers
- Qualified workers (scaffolding workers, welders, forklift drivers, etc.)
- Vehicle and equipment operators